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Lookup-People Search Engine App for Iphone, Ipod touch and Ipad

Talent-bin launches a new Social recruiting App called Lookup for Apple devices.With Lookup-People search Engine App job recruiters can find the top talent Engineers for their company or Industry right from their Mobile device.
People search Engine app for Iphone, Ipod touch and IpadThe App can be used to search professional information of any person which is available online.It gathers all the information form different social networks like Facebook, Google Plus,LinkedIn, Twitter Etc and arranges it into a format which can be easily readable.
If you have any meetings with a person or if you want to lookup for a person of your interest/profession this can be easily done with Lookup App.
The App can also be useful to every who are about to meet a new person.You can easily discover the interests of them.


The LookUp-People Search Engine App is compatible with Iphone (3rd generation), Ipod touch (4th and 5th generation). Also compatible with IOS 5 or later.

The app is available on Itunes app store for free.You can download and install this app for freely.

TalentBin Social Recruiting App Video Overview:-

Download Links:-

Click here to download Lookup app.

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